Thursday, 9 June 2011

Experimental Cookies
On August 18th I have a stall at Chagford Show on Dartmoor. I've done shows before but not any of the smaller village shows, so I thought I'd give this one a go. Most village or agricultural shows now have a food hall marquee which reflects the increasing interest the public has in food and buying from local sources. In the past I've mostly produced cupcakes for these events but as happens sometimes, the cupcake seems to be in decline. For this event I've decided to try cookies. I've spent some time perfecting the iced biscuits and now need to expand my range. Hence the experimentation. Trawl through the internet and you'll find hundreds, probably thousands of recipes for different chocolate chip cookies and variations. In search of the perfect recipe I have been baking furiously and will be conducting a taste test with friends and family. I've already got the perfect Chocolate Crackle Cookie (thanks Martha Stewart!) and Snickerdoodle recipes. The only problem I have is that I keep having to taste them!
The Chagford show looks like being a good event so I hope to see you there.

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